Title (Diagnosis): 7.3.2. Coronary band crack in the heel
Problems complained of by the owner: At showjumping competition horse injured the heel of the front hoof with his hind hoof and injured his coronary band.
Stabling: In the box
Feed : Common for a sport horse
Bedding : Straw with shawings
The surface on which the horse most often moves: Arena with sand and non-woven fabric, grassy paddock
Frequency of hoof treatment : Shoeing at the regular interval of seven weeks.
Lameness, possible diagnosis: Coronary band injury in the heel part and a large inward rotation of the phalanx caused a crack of the coronary band in the heel part of the hoof.
4. Anamnéza:
The forelimb has a large inward rotation of the phalanx. The horse lands on the medial heel and the medial half of the hoof.
5. Case description:
Selected trim:
A horizontal incision was made below the lower end of the crack.
Shoe preparation:
The hoof was shod with Equilibrium shoe. The inner branch of the horseshoe was narrowed. It will sink easier on a soft surface and the pressure on the overloaded foot will be decreased. Breakover the shoe has been directed to the outer toe, i.e. in the direction of movement of a limb.
Fig. No. 1.-3 .: View of the shod and treated hoof from the side.
6. Chosen solutions
Effect of the 1st hoof treatment
Fig. No. 4.- 6 .: Before next shoeing the condition of the hoof deteriorated. The hoof wall cracked again and the ongoing crack widened and deepened. The hoof wall in the heels was almost separated from the hoof joint.
Changes in the shoe choice and shoeing
The detached hoof wall in the heel part of the hoof had to be removed up to the coronary band. The hoof incision was moved higher to the crown edge.
The "Equilibrium" with spider plate (mercedes) was chosen for shoeing.
Fig. No. 7 .: View of the treated and shod hoof
Result of the care
Recommended convalescence during healing until a healthy wall grows to two thirds of the wall.
Controlled movement of a horse in a riding arena with geotextiles surface.
Fig. No. 8 .: 4 weeks after the last procedure, the coronary band dropped and the exposed corium healed.
Fig. No. 9 .: Adjustment and shoeing of the hoof after 4 months
Duration of treatment until complete healing - 9 months.
Fig. No. 10. - 12 .: View of the hoof shod after 9 months.
Fig. No. 13. - 15 .: View of the hoof shod after 11 months, view of the hoof before shoeing from behind on the raised limb, and shod hoof with "Equilibrium" shoe with Luwex pad and Luwex M9 packing.
7. Follow up – Development of changes
The balance of the limb and hoof should be constantly monitored. Large inward rotation overloads the medial heel. Due to the big sporting work load of the treated horse (showjumping "T"), I recommend after the season and according to the health of the horse to make a preventive horizontal cut about 1.5 cm below the coronary band on the medial side of the hoof to release pressure on the coronary band.