1. Author: Miloslav Kreps, CE-F
Place of work: Stable Protivín
2. Literary overview: Podkovářství, Postoje předních končetin, ISBN: 978-80-7490-052-5, Tisk Pálka 2015
3. Data of patient No. 3.2.
Breed: Czech warmblood
Sex: Mare
Age: 6 years
Color: Chestnut
Work: Recreation
Potíže, na které si majitel stěžuje – Reason why the owner complain: Klisna vykazuje bolestivost hrudních končetin, nekomfortní pohyb zejména na nerovném a tvrdém povrchu.
Doba trvání potíží – Length of the problems: Klisna se v pohybu během posledního roku výrazně zhoršila
Ustájení – Stabling conditions: V boxu
Stelivo – Bedding: Sláma
Povrch po kterém se kůň pohybuje: travnatý výběh
Frekvence úpravy kopyt – Frequency of the hoof care: Korektura kopyt v pravidelném intervalu každých osm týdnů.
Typ kování – Type of shoeing: bez podkování
Kulhání, případná diagnóza – Lameness and diagnosis: Klisna se pohybuje hůře na zpevnělém nebo nerovném povrchu i v kroku
Reason why the owner complains: The mare shows uncomfortable movement and significant crookedness of forelimbs.
Length of the problems: Problems were probabaly caused by neglected hoof care at an early foal age.
Stabling conditions: In last year 24/7, previous conditions not know to the owner.
Bedding: Straw.
Surface, on which the horse moves most often: Grassy field.
Frequency of the hoof care: Trim in regular 8 weeks interval.
Type of shoeing: Barefoot.
Lameness and diagnosis: Combined deviations of the forelimbs.
4. History:
Characterisation of the changes:
The mare shows uncomfortable movement, caused by combined deviations of the forelimbs conformation.
base wide stance
Off-set carpus on both forelimbs
significant outward rotation of the whole forelimbs and phalanx toed in from the fetlock
hoof broken out in pastern joints
Fig. 1. and 2.: Mare’s stance from front and rear view before trim and shoeing
Fig. 3.: Right front limb before trim and shoeing
Shape of the hoof and pathologic changes:
hooves are broken out
due to overload of the outer heel in the stance phase, the outer wall is underrun
mare has thrush
Evaluation of the hoof care and of the type of shoeing:
Trimming was slightly neglected.
Video No. 1.: Mare’s presentation on 22.5.2019 at first shoeing
5. Problem description
6. Choisen solutions
Trimming of the whole hoof levels as much as possible:
bearing edge lateromedially and also dorsopalmarilly
medial side of the hoof is leveled to have enough space to drive the shoe nails.
Fig. 4. and 5.: From left - left and right limb with trimmed sole
Fig. 6: Right front hoof after trim
Shoe preparation:
With regard to mare’s 24/7 turnout, we have chosen this type of shoeing:
standard horse shoe 25/8 mm on which we will create extensions, to better support center of gravity of the limbs and simultaneously won’t increase pressure on already overloaded outer hell
with the help of the shoes we will try to shift the whole center of gravity on lateral side of the hooves while maintaining the same width of the both branches of the shoe
toes of the shoes will respect the movement of the limbs and dorso palmar balance with the help of rocker toe
outer branch: widen the outer edge of the shoe with fuller and narrow inner edge with grinder to 25 mm
outer branch : widen the inner edge of the branch and narrow the outer edge diagonally with grinder to 25 mm.
These adjustements are made on the shoe on the ground surface. Shape of the weight bearing surface of the shoe must respect the latero-medial balance and hoof mechanism.
Fig. 9: Right front shoe
Fig. 7. and 8.: From left - Right and left shoe prepared for shoeing
Shoes were fitted in order to make the inner branch edge of the shoes follow the shape of hooves, while the outer branch outreached the hooves perimeter to even the lateromedial balance and improve the load of the limbs on outer overloaded side.
Fig. 10. and 11.: Shod right front hoof from frontal and side view
Fig. 12. and 13: Shod right front hoof from bottom view
7. Follow up – Development of changes
Trimming effect:
By trimming the sole surface and leveling the medial side of the hooves was achieved improvement of lateromedial balance and more even impact
Changes in shoe choice and shoeing: Re-shod after 5 weeks
Fig. 14: Fitted shoes
Fig. 15. and 16.: Right front hoof after shoeing
Fig. 17. and 18: Right front hoof after shoeing
Fig. 19. and 20.: Left front hoof after shoeing
Fig. 21. and 22: Left front hoof after shoeing
Vid. 2.: Presentation of the mare after shoeing after 5 weeks
Fig. 23.: Shod front hooves from the frontal view