6.5. Wide hoof
1.Title of the article (Diagnosis): Wide hoof
Authors: J. Vinčálek
Place of work: Riding stable Náměšť na Hané
Literature overview: Podkovářství, 37.7. Úprava a podkování širokých kopyt, ISBN: 978-80-7490-052-5, Tisk Pálka 2015
Breed: KWPN
Sex: Mare
Age: 4 y/o
Colour: Sorrel
Working discipline: Sport preparation
2. Data of the patient
Reason why the owner complains: Overgrown, flaky horn of wide hoofs on front limbs
Duration of the problems: Mare was just bought from abroad
Stabling conditions: Box with turnout
Bedding: Shawings
Surface on which the horse mainly moves: Sand arena, grassy field with harder surface
Frequency of the hoof care: Every 8 weeks
Type of shoeing: Barefoot
3. Anamnéza – History
Characterisation of the problems:
Wide hoof, low arches, owergrown horn
Ne deviations in frontal plane, very slight inward rotation of the phalanx in the horizontal plane and longer weaker pastern with sloping hoof in sagittal plane.
Shape of the hoof and pathologic changes:
Hooves have the typical features of wide hooves. When viewed from the front, they have a significantly larger bearing edge than the coronary band and the angle of the walls in the side parts of the hooves is greater than 80 °. Seen from the side, they are sloping with underrun heels. From bottom view, low arches are evident and the hoof is significatly wider than longer in the widest point (see Fig. No. 1 - 5).
Fig. No. 1: Front hooves seen from the front before trim
Fig. No. 2 and 3 .: Left - Right front hoof viewed from the front and bottom before trim
Fig. No. 4 and 5 .: Left front hoof viewed from the front and bottom before trim
Evaluation of hoof care and of the type of shoeing:
The hooves were neglected for a long time, overgrown with the peeling horn of the walls. The anteroposterior balance was significantly shifted forward. The mare has not yet been shod.
Examination results:
Wide hooves with low arches.
4. Popis případu – Problem description
5. Chosen solutions
Selected hoof treatment - Trimming:
The overgrown horn of the bearing edges was removed and the bearing surfaces of the hooves were shifted backwards, which positively affected the anteroposterior balance of the hooves.
Fig. No. 6 and 7: From left - Left front hoof when viewed from below before and after trim
Fig. No. 8 .: Left front hoof viewed from the front after adjustment. The hitherto large width of the hooves has been reduced by straightening the flares of the side walls by rasping on the foot stand
Fig. No. 9 and 10:
Left - Right and left front hoof viewed from the front after trim.
In the dorsal and lateral parts of the bearing edges of the hooves, a smaller rocker was rasped, which helped to obtain a positive anteroposterior balance in the hooves. During the trim of the foot surface, bruises were found on the right hoof on the inner heel and on both hooves in front of the white line. The pressure on the foot was caused by the increased pressure of the combination of the overgrown foot and the internal rotation of the finger. The blood seep in the white line in the dorsal region of the bearing edge was caused by an overgrown hoof wall, which, due to its resistance during breakover, created excessive tension on the coffin bone laminar connection (see Fig. No. 11).
Shoe preparation:
The front single-clip horseshoe Libero 25 x 10 size 4 was chosen for the first shoeing.
The shoes were fitted according to the shape of the bearing edges of the hooves with sufficient overlaps in the heels and the widest parts of the hooves. Slight rockers were forged in the dorsal and lateral parts of the shoes to facilitate breakover and reduce the wide hoof levers affecting the phalanx joints.
Fig. No.11. Front hoof when viewed after trim
Fig. No.12. and 13 .: Left - Right front hoof when viewed from the side and front after trim.
Fig. No.14 .: Right front hoof when viewed from below after trim.
Fig. No.15. and 16 .: Left - left front hoof when viewed from the front and bottom after trim.
Veterinary treatment:
It has not been determined.
Rules of the further care:
As this was the first shoeing of a young horse with wide hooves, the condition of the hooves and the position of the limbs during the next shoeing will be important for deciding on the method of further care.
6. Development of changes
Effect of the first selected hoof trim:
The improved anteroposterior balance and balanced the ratio between the length and width of the hooves.
Changes in the choice of horseshoes and shoeing:
The chosen method of shoeing was satisfactory after the first shoeing, and therefore it was not necessary to change it during further shoeings.
Farriery treatment effect:
The rocker decrease load on the coffin joint and collateral ligaments of the limb. It serves as a preventive measure for a young horse.
Result of the care:
Already after the first two adjustments and shoeing, the wide hooves gained a better shape without concavely curved walls and better balance in all directions.