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5. Farrierry diagnostics

The regularity of the horse's movement is the main criterion in its evaluation. Horses that move irregularly or even limp are not practically usable and their aesthetic value also decreases considerably. There may be many reasons for the differing movement of a horse and can be divided into two main categories

  • In the first category we talk about irregularities of limb performance due to differences in their conformation and hoof load. In the early stages there is no harm to horse health, but poor diagnosis, long-lasting bad hoof trim and shoeing can very easily result in permanent negative health effects on the horse's limbs.

  • The second category lame limping horses with bone or soft tissue disorders, especially of the distal limbs. With good diagnostics and early localization of the problem, lameness can be tackled quickly.

It is statistically proven that more than 70% of the problems of irregular movement and lameness in horses are manifestations of excessive load on the horse, or poor balance of hooves and limbs, and are solvabe by farriery measures.


Farriers assess the regularity of movement of horse limbs many times a day. Presentation of the horse and proper assessment of its limbs while standing and moving is the basis of proper farrier diagnostics, precedes own manual work and decides on all other procedures for treatment and modification of hooves, horseshoes and necessity of orthopedic measures.

5.1. Assesment of standing horse - body frame, limbs and hoof conformation
5.2. Assesment of the limbs in different phases of the movement
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